Yellow Pink Playful And Colorful Kids Summer Camp Flyer (Banner (Landscape))-2.png

a week of musical adventure

Led by local song zeppelin Luke Sweeney, this week-long series integrates natural musical curiosity with the principles of sound, songcraft, and technique to produce a lasting imprint of each individual’s creative spirit.  At Sonic Groove Summer Camp, each child will:

  • Build their own instrument out of household materials

  • have FUN with the fundamentals of music theory and performance

  • take a musical history trip through multiple continents, cultures, genres, and time periods

  • play in daily jam sessions, learning improvisation techniques on multiple instruments: drums, guitar, bass, piano, and more

  • learn the joy and importance of listening, inside the studio and outside in nature

  • feel the warmth and comradery of making music with peers, and gain confidence in their own musical powers

  • Craft their own original song

  • hit record (learning the basics of analog & digital tracking, editing and mixing)

  • Perform live with (and for) their camp peers AND … emerge with their own original recording to last a lifetime.

camp runs 10am-3pm Mon. - Friday

  • Please bring packed lunches & wear comfortable clothes

  • all musical materials provided!

  • tuition: $250/week for early bird signup $295/week starting June 1

  • signup with a friend: $225 each for early bird pricing, $275 each starting June 1

  • *9 a.m. arrivals ok for $10/day

* Click on your preferred dates, and sign up now, as spots are limited *

about Luke Sweeney:  Once dubbed a “pillar of San Francisco's garage-psych community” and “one of the best writers and performers working in the indie scene today”, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Luke Sweeney has released four critically acclaimed albums since 2013, heralded in publications such as the SF Chronicle, KQED, Monterey County Weekly, Austin Chronicle, and Portland Mercury.  He has toured the U.S. multiple times over - including three consecutive years of SXSW festival appearances - and lends his hand recording and performing in acts such as Tim Cohen and Healing Potpourri.  He also holds a sociology degree from UC Berkeley.  While maintaining his San Francisco studio, he now keeps another in Nevada City where he resides with his wife and two children.